Nov 22, 2023Liked by Matthew Craig

I’ve always found Tech to be annoying. Not in an Aggie kind of way, because they’re not constantly in your ear, chirping about how relevant they are (news flash: if they were relevant, they wouldn’t need to tell you).

No, Tech is like your red neck cousin who shows up every Thanksgiving in a leisure suit, drinks all of your beer, belches at the table and generally irritates the heck out of everyone, reminding you in the process why you try not to think about him the other 364 days of the year.

Yes, Tech is the Cousin Eddie of college sports.

In a break from the status quo ante, Brett and Joey have combined to make this tilt against the Sand Aggies special. It’s not just the chance to kick Tech’s head in one last time; it’s also an opportunity to humble two blowhards who have less class combined than Sark has in his little finger.

Bring the pain on Friday, Longhorns. Hook ‘em!

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